What Can Jamaal Bowman’s Defeat Teach Us?


Rep. Jamaal Bowman during a Get Out the Vote campaign event at Hartley Park on June 24, 2024, in Mount Vernon, New York.

(Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images)

Last week, Jamaal Bowman–one of the most prominent progressive politicians in the country–was defeated in the primary for his New York congressional seat. The election laid bare many of the issues currently dividing Democrats: the battle between the establishment and the left, the role of money in politics, and, most bitterly, the party’s stance on Israel and Gaza.

So what does Bowman’s defeat tell us about the Democratic Party, particularly its left? On this episode of See How They Run, we’re joined by Micah Sifry and Peter Beinart to discuss how we think about the role of the Israel lobby, whose campaign against Bowman turned this race into the most expensive House primary in American history.

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D.D. Guttenplan

D.D. Guttenplan is editor of The Nation.

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